The Apology
“I am a different kind of philosopher. For Socrates, philosophy was made of dialogue; for me, it’s action. For Socrates, it was something the world did to you; for me, it’s something you do to the world.”
Mike Long, a.k.a. Michael Rider, a.k.a. Knight Rider—frustrated philosopher and ersatz office manager—finds himself charged with misdemeanor stalking, simple assault, and planning a terrorist attack, at the end of a very rough work week that includes late-night stakeouts of the new woman in payable, fistfights with the IT guy, pissing in the elevator, and more than one happy hour at Chili’s. This is his apology, not an expression of regret, but a justification.
“The Apology is damned weird business…I do not mean the typical pushed-strange weird, I mean the weird of the pushed banal. The mundane taken to some kind of fascinating negative power. ”
—Padgett Powell, author of Edisto and The Interrogative Mood
“Christian TeBordo is a satirist, stylist, and trickster of the highest order.”
—Catherine Lacey, author of Pew and Certain American States