Editorial Guidelines


These are our Reading Guidelines

The editors and publisher at Astrophil Press are active members of the writing community who read literary magazines, buy books, attend readings and conferences, and engage with the community online and in person. We acquire most of our titles through community engagement and by reading widely. .

We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. However, we do have open reading periods where we look for writers who might not be on our radar. Please do not email us to ask when we will be open for submissions. Check this website for reading periods. We routinely publicize open reading periods on sites like Entropy, Duo Trope, and New Pages.

What do we publish? The only way to really know this, is to read our books. If you don’t own any of our titles, you may want to consider why you want to send us your work. See our About Us Page to understand what we look for in work.

We look forward to reading your manuscript when our next reading period is open!