Begat Who Begat Who Begat
by Marcus Pactor
Preorder begins 10.01.21
A new toilet produces gifts with every flush. A lawnmower communes with a grieving father. A man believes he’s found the cure for his son’s vision problem through the use of mechanical roaches that invade their home. Marcus Pactor’s Begat Who Begat Who Begat is a surreal collection of stories rife with black humor and heartbreak, where families are torn asunder in striking new visions of domestic life.
These stories, sure and confident and curdled with the cream of nightmare and wonder, create a kind of domestic madness. They left me breathless, unsettled, unsure where I’d landed or whether home was really home at all. — Amber Sparks, author of And I Do Not Forgive You and The Unfinished World and Other Stories.
Marcus Pactor’s Begat Who Begat Who Begat is an experimental world of stories full of golden spiders, holes, and innovative text. Pactor’s work recalls a blend of early Ben Marcus and Donald Barthelme. Each page offers a new way of looking at literature. An incredibly uncanny, vibrant, and electric collection. — Sarah Etter Rose, author of Book of X
Every page of Marcus Pactor’s dazingly precise renderings and reckonings of domestic disquiet is a fresh and unforgettable excitation of language. Begat Who Begat Who Begat is the book to behold.— Garielle Lutz, author of Stories in the Worst Way and Worsted